If you were born on this day...

From today's News & Observer's Horoscopes by Jeradine Saunders: Français : Signe du Zodiac Balance

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): You are perched on the brink of success. Have faith that precious plans for the future are viable even when it seems that core values are briefly opposed by others.

 Woo! It continues:

IF SEPTEMBER 24 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: You have the power to pursue your dreams in the year to come. You might be caught up in a romantic fantasy, or you could be held in the grip of some new business idea. In either case, work hard, study hard and pay your dues, but hold off on making new commitments or irrevocable decisions. In December, your penchant for fantasy could distract you from what really needs done.

do have a dreamy temperament, so they pegged me there.

Other Sept. 24 posts: 20082009, 2010.

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Michael E Brown @brownstudy